A group of about 50 children benefited by the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) was to know closely the work of preserving the Capibaribe River in the stretch of Finance Fieza, lucy rose a stronghold of environmentalists lucy rose and nature lovers.
The children had lessons of practical appreciation of nature, knew the difficulties faced by environmentalists who fight for remediation of the river, and performed lucy rose activities with the theme Rio Capibaribe.
"It is important to interact with these kids and show them that nature conservation is in their hands, just so, taking them to know that our river is going to make them feel responsible for the preservation of our natural resources," said Emanuele Silva, coordinator of the PETI.
"Embrace the river Capibaribe in Santa Cruz do Capibaribe. lucy rose What a beautiful example. While some destroy, in search of crumbs real, these kids 'disadvantaged' lucy rose in favor of love of neighbor, love the city. Our applause and appreciation. This is because lucy rose of them. This river is theirs, "said Paul André Dias, owner of Farm Fieza.
Born in 1979 and graduating in journalism from the State University of Paraíba - UEPB, appeared in the Journal and The Capital Radios lucy rose AM / FM, currently holds Blog Diary Sulanca, main vehicle online Santa Cruz Capibaribe.
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