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5th 9th 2008 | Last updated: 5 9th 2008 23:22
Refinement of such marks by owner real estate and sprva assets and transactions by vppad property could bta for pt billion, said in the center of the Reuters news agency, referring to informed sources. Blackstone, KKR and Lehman Brothers to odmtly vyjdit. Shares investin banks pesto thanks to tto initially rose opt percent.
Lehman Brothers is the fourth nejvt investin bank in the USA and INVESTOM pressure on her to go before zveejnnmvsledk managing courage my love of This MSc Navila kapitl. Bank to meet some of the known ztrtami and the property market hypotka m stle $ 60 billion.
Investin bank tried to get rid of sti assets sprva Finance and one is about to sttn Korean banks Korea Development Bank (KDB). Turbulence in the Korean market FINANCIAL this tday but jednn complicated. KDB, which zvauje purchase of assets from Lehman Brothers and investment banks, but dn information about jednn failed.
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