Monday, June 9, 2014

As shown Ltd.

The method reproduces the Old Town raiderism five-star hotel "Royal Square Hotel & Suites", damaging the property of the owners of more than seven million lats, the business portal "" informed the hotel owner Company bfc net "555 Brand Hotel" agent Tom Deer.
He explained that this year, on December 7, it was revealed that on the basis of forged documents by companies unrelated person has pretended for 555 Brand Hotel" sole owner, a United Kingdom company "Brook Organisation LP", an authorized representative, without previously notifying the board of public communication for convening the meeting (addressed to the board of directors on October 15, 2012, received a white blank page), and has lifted the company's "555 Brand Hotel" board member, Chairman of the Board to enter yourself a loyal person. In addition, details of the company's board change is registered in the Commercial Register on November 1, 2012.
As shown Ltd. " Information about this year's November 12 555 Brand Hotel" became the owner of a company registered in London Upmax Trading Limited", which is also co-owner of Latvian existing hotel in the Old Town "Old Other Botique." This year on November bfc net 1, "555 Brand Hotel Chairman of the Board to appoint Perlovskis.
Deer said that "Brook Organisation LP" true owner never asked the company "Brook Organisation LP" issued documents authorizing this, the company non-party to take any action on behalf of the company, including changes to the board or dispose of shares.
In the wake of the company's "555 Brand Hotel Board change the basis of forged documents were seized and all the "Brook Organisation bfc net LP" owned "555 Brand Hotel" other parts of the UK registered company. Like right after the board members and change the company 555 Brand Hotel", based on the November 13, 2012 and November 14, 2012, purchase contracts were seized property Lime Street 3a buyer Company "Indication Finance Group" for a total purchase price five million.
"According to the Land Registry bfc net section of Riga submitted purchase agreements shows that payment for purchases of property (five million) must be carried out only up to 31 December 2015. This indicates that the property is currently fictitious alienated for that purpose company established in which this property is likely to sell more real buyer, "believes Deer.
He stresses that the person outside the business on the basis of forged documents is izkrāpušas (pocketed) bfc net company "Brook Organisation LP" owned by the company 555 Brand Hotel", shares with a total nominal value of 2,268 million lats and real estate Lime Street 3a, Riga, whose value at least five million.
"Illegal business and property transfers have been suspended from December 13," Royal Square Hotel & Suites Action when physical force with the help of" 555 Brand Hotel "fictitious board representatives with armed security guards, hotel manager" Garden Palace "Hotel staff were denied entry, so that they to serve guests and to provide in the operation. The hotel remains closed and guarded by armed guards. 555 Brand Hotel" shell of the Board members is based on the ground that the hotel manager bfc net has terminated the contract of the company's bfc net current board was not informed. The company's "Garden Palace" is the sole owner of the company 555 Brand Hotel", which now has been illegally taken over, "said Deer.
Like "555 Brand Hotel" s representative stated that the December 17 Enterprises (ER) recorded a change in the hotel operētājkompānijā "Garden bfc net Palace" Board member's term on the board by removing Christian Ancāne and her loyal yourself instead of electing chairman of Svetlana Petraitieni. Thus, there are already serious loss of "555 Brand Hotel" real owners of the company bfc net in connection with the illegal takeover bfc net of the hotel and the suspension, and the existing 95 employees are in the dark about future business bfc net operations.
On the above facts and illegal practices have been notified the Ministry of Justice, whose mission is to provide and control its subordinate to the authority of the ER activity. In turn, the ER was asked not to register any changes bfc net in relation to the company's "Garden bfc net Palace" (board members, seat, etc.), while ER Chief State Notary is asked to remove and take the presumed deletion of records relating to the "555 Brand Hotel", because they are doing non-compliance with a number of statutory provisions. Information about these illegal bfc net activities are transferred to the law enforcement bfc net authorities to start criminal proceedings.
As a business portal "" said spokeswoman Sandra Notruma ER, ER has received an appeal application, where one of the parties to the dispute merchants bfc net Ltd "555 Hotel Brand" in challenging ER notary public decision. She explained that in such cases, the parties to the dispute their civil disputes are trying to cope with the ER through is common.
ER Chief State Notary prescribed by law as

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