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"Lately accumulated many facts that cast a shadow over the ability and willingness to below the gas station project promoting IPM Beer Tuvia" - so reads the message sent from the headquarters of the struggle of the residents of Be'er Tuvia Council of Kiryat Malachi, who are in a legal battle against the decision to build the power station Heart industrial area Amos hazardous substances and ammonia into dangerous proximity of population centers. " Residents specifications that "group Triple - if the controlling shareholder in IPM, ran into financial difficulties and difficult negotiating with various kode pos indonesia parties for the sale of 30% stake in IPM. Investors examined in a Turkish and Michael Mirilashvili, oligarch-born George kode pos indonesia has a criminal past, which Origin uncertain fortune. "
Staff struggle to argue that gas station designed, IPM, is "a national infrastructure project" and as such is paramount to examine the factors behind, both in terms of professional knowledge kode pos indonesia and ability, engineering, and financial statements available to them, and in terms of identity.
Residents even approached GSS categories and their letter stated that "it is known that the GSS in charge of the test potential buyers of national infrastructure facilities, latest news about the modification IPM project cost is certainly worrying. Should in our opinion, the GSS will check again process, whether standing behind dubious elements. No need to waste words on the danger that national security in light of the takeover of a foreign company in general, and in particular Turkish origin, or their background factors obscure and often including involvement in criminal activity - on Israel's energy economy. "
At the same time appealed to the High Court residents to postpone the hearing on their petition, set for next month. Petition of residents is against the Israeli government, the National Committee of National Infrastructures (and TL) and a IPM Beer Tuvia, an application for a decree nisi cancel Israeli government's decision to reject The appeal filed against a decision of the Committee of Ministers of Internal Affairs, Local Government Services to approve the plan to build the gas station. Residents also argue that Israel does not allow any real examination of alternative land for the power plant, and that the decision to build the power station at its current location in the heart of a busy industrial area of hazardous materials and ammonia in dangerous proximity to concentrations of population, based solely on the relationship of the developer to the ground.
In their request, the petitioners noted the long saga which now changes hands from time to time, the fact that when the last exchange of ownership kode pos indonesia during 2011 (when the company moved Own IPM) by the Planning & Building Committee decided to skip the process of renewal kode pos indonesia of the declaration, a procedure required in any enterprise which is a "national infrastructure . "identity entrepreneur behind The station does not matter. framework application developer is required kode pos indonesia to treat the declaration has experience in the relevant field, financial ability, etc. and skip this step means ignoring the central issue of this.
Posted April 27, 2014 at 2:21 PM
Most legitimate residents struggle. kode pos indonesia Previously been published kode pos indonesia that causes muscle took the wind farm projects in Europe. We lack that such a phenomenon will occur here. As one who initiated the private electricity generation in Israel has been at 1982 (designated in the first place renewable energy and alternative cost-efficiency Eco) within the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (center program utilizing wind energy in the 80) I see positively kode pos indonesia the requirements of residents and taken into account, including It's also about the environmental aspects
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