Friday, May 9, 2014

Ie, for his part, praised The meeting hr treasury lasted hr treasury just over three hours the Pale

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Palestinians pour cold water on the solution of the Secretary of State for security hr treasury arrangements a future peace agreement. Shortly after Kerry's hr treasury meeting with Abbas in Ramallah, a Palestinian official said: "proposals will lead to continued occupation"
"The Palestinians rejected the ideas put forward by the Secretary of State regarding the security hr treasury arrangements of a future peace agreement," he said tonight (Thursday) at the end Palestinian cause John Kerry held a meeting in Ramallah with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Palestinian cause would not say to which ideas involved, but said that "the Palestinian side rejected them because they will lead to the continued occupation." Later, Kerry will meet again today with Prime Minister hr treasury Benjamin Netanyahu.
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Ie, for his part, praised The meeting hr treasury lasted hr treasury just over three hours the Palestinian President, saying that "There are many issues related to sovereignty and dignity is very significant for Israelis and Palestinians. Has also serious questions very with respect to security and issues with problems hr treasury longer term about how we want to solve the conflict once and for all. interests of the parties are similar. we, I think, we made some progress. "
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