Tuesday, August 19, 2014

a moderator SMS have supernatural powers of senior sister apprentice at Chang column temple hall

Then, another one a shout door. A total of 20 people of the village five people just ran out the door, he rolled down the huge rocks, destroying villages. Many villagers cried: good insurance ah, if not the monkey people, and we die. Villagers survived, looking for help, "benefactor." I saw langurs standing tree, full of tenderness and happy looking people, his mouth issued a "whining" to persuade the world of merriment xagent ...... Pu recovery conscience, killing and released. Animal Health is the place to put human life, to save someone else's life is equivalent to save his life, lifesaving release, endless benefits, merit incredible!
a moderator SMS have supernatural powers of senior sister apprentice at Chang column temple hall now see Guru Rinpoche Pure! Suo Daji Khenpo: merit in the end made the difference with meditation adjust our inner body semantic How much? To hide blessing disciples of the Buddha treatment methods Do not stand there looking happy happy! Alarmed by a team Yinbing vegetable morning, the occasion was dying Bodhisattva save Do not fall into the religious xagent Tibetan Nyingma monk public xagent fashion show now Zalong (Zhuohuo) amending the law test phase [Photos] Before Buddha How offerings such as France to take down Jet Li has been completed Phowa and five plus solid line repair Do not put "A (ā) Amitabha Buddha" read into "Oh (wō or ē) Amitabha Buddha" 12 of things by not give it away, would send the wrong Chuang disaster, detailed comparison with the Buddhist concept of secular shame shame concept xagent Do not be too successful in life, blessed xagent nice ring to see!
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