Friday, December 19, 2014

Most first-graders successfully seizes the curriculum, but some are facing difficulties. They are u

Can I stress to the child?
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Six-Year, which will go to school, waiting for the unusual, interesting and very hard work. And not only does it require a certain physical effort, but also a great nervous tension.
Most first-graders successfully seizes the curriculum, but some are facing difficulties. They are unable to sit through a lesson and intently engaged. Their attention quickly dissipates, they can not fully comprehend all of what the teacher says. As a result, gradually lost interest in school.
The most complicated are the first few days (and for some children - the first few months). This period of adaptation to the new conditions. For a period of adaptation is usually characterized by: sleep disturbance, appetite, irritability, isolation, tearfulness.
-Rebenok You should always be prepared for school - says the doctor-valeologist Minsk city psychiatric clinic meridian business support Leonid Myaleshka. - Ideally, parents should join forces with the pediatrician.
1.Detsi healthy, meridian business support physically strong, with high resistance (which is rare and not long ill) easily tolerate adaptation. Conversely, weakened body, frequent colds, chronic disease - risk factors in the child's readiness for school.
2. For the timely letter requires training brush. Many children 6 years of age have not yet completed the development of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, stable grasping reflex: meridian business support it is easier to hold a spoon, a pencil, a pen in his hand. It is necessary to learn how to hold a pencil small three fingers after by exercises to achieve accuracy, coordination of movements.
3.Vyznachae school readiness and correct pronunciation. The child should be called images, selected in such a way that a certain sound was in the beginning, meridian business support middle and end. For example, it may be drawings depicting fish drum bowl. Mispronunciation of at least one sound stage is regarded as outstanding.
6.On 6th year of life most often identified defects in shape. Deviations in the camp not only lead to defects of the musculoskeletal system, but also adversely affect the placement and operation of the internal organs (lungs, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract). Necessary to form the correct shape while walking, sitting and standing.
7.Neabhodna develop skills of personal hygiene, as well as knowledge meridian business support and skills for self-service: how to get to class, sit at a desk, write books in the portfolio, as neatly meridian business support dressed, how to use the toilet, how to behave in the school cafeteria, meridian business support how to behave with peers ...
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