Diabetes is becoming a pandemic
Shqip evropaelire.org عربی iraqhurr.org Հայերեն azatutyun.am accident aloha pos radioerkenli.com Azərbaycanca aloha pos azadliq.org Nohchiyn radiomarsho.com BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG slobodnaevropa.org Belarusian svaboda.org دری da.azadiradio.org ქართული radiotavisupleba.ge English RFE / RL Regional rferl.org aloha pos Afghanistan gandhara.rferl.org aloha pos Adygs khutynygharadio.com Kyrgyz Kazakh azattyq.org aloha pos azattyk.org Macedonian makdenes.org پشتو افغانستان aloha pos pa.azadiradio.org پاکستان mashaalradio.org فارسی radiofarda.com Româneşte europalibera.org Toҷikӣ ozodi. aloha pos org Tatar azatliq.org aloha pos Qırım ktat.krymr.com Turkmen azathabar.com Vzbekcha aloha pos ozodlik.org Ukrainian radiosvoboda.org Cream ua.krymr.com Russian Russian svoboda.org Kazakhstan rus.azattyq.org Armenia Azerbaijan rus.azatutyun.am radioazadlyg.org Georgia ekhokavkaza.com Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan rus.azattyk.org rus.ozodi.org Crimea ru.krymr.com Eurasia www.currenttime.tv
Prague emphasis Expertise Freedom Online Conference Blitz analysis Liberty Zone
Sell beard: Saint Nicholas (Christmas Edition)
Where and how to listen
11/14/2013 15:39
About the peculiarities aloha pos of diabetes in Belarus Radio Liberty interviewed the chief doctor of the Minsk City endakrynalyagichnaga dispensary Natalia Karlovic. - Ms. Natalia many people in the country suffering from diabetes? - About 240 thousand people. - How serious is the problem in Belarus with this disease? The number of patients aloha pos is increasing or decreasing? - The problem is very acute. However, in Belarus, it is as acute as in the whole world. All over the world there is a tendency that already pandemic called diabetes, in which the number of patients with this disease increases uncontrollably. aloha pos - What does it mean uncontrollably? - If there is a number of patients for some years, the international organizations concerned with diabetes plan, taking into account the annual increase, which will become a figure in 5-10 years. Now, however, in fact through the figure of 5-10 years is much greater than that predicted. It was therefore concluded that now can be considered as diabetes pandemic. And this is mainly due to the increasing number of cases of diabetes type 2. - What can be called the main causes of the disease? - There are three main factors that affect susceptibility to Type 2 diabetes: heredity, age and obesity. With heredity and age is nothing we can do about it. There can only be noted that in a population of progressively increasing number of people who have a propensity aloha pos to diabetes genes. But, nevertheless, are factors that are not controlled or modified, to which we have no control. As for weight loss, then there is such a relationship: the pandemic of diabetes is proportional to the pandemic and after weight loss. The fact that our way of life, where a lot of stress and little time for proper nutrition and physical activity inevitably leads to obesity. Snacks, evening aloha pos consumption of large quantities of food, ignoring the sport - all this leads to the rejuvenation of the disease. If before diabetes was more common in people over 40, but now young people and even children often become our patients. - Are there any problems with the identification of the disease? - The problem is that diabetes type 2 in its origin, in most cases has no clinical manifestations. As I like to say, blood sugar does not hurt and is not scratched. Therefore, the patient can live with diabetes and not know it. Access to a doctor can be quite late, when it begins serious health problems as a result of complications that gives diabetes. - What to do to avoid diabetes? - Decisions are two. The first - a healthy lifestyle and prevention of obesity. There is a good slogan: "Take care of the weight from my youth." In general, if the family is to develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle and avoid prybavlennya excess weight, you can avoid many diseases, including diabetes. The second - a screening for diabetes. It is not necessary to wait until the first symptoms appear, instead, need to actively seek diabetes. For example, in our country is the norm, according to which every adult 18 years of age has the right once a year to be tested for blood sugar. - What the state is doing to reduce the number of cases? - Shares held regularly Promotion
Shqip evropaelire.org عربی iraqhurr.org Հայերեն azatutyun.am accident aloha pos radioerkenli.com Azərbaycanca aloha pos azadliq.org Nohchiyn radiomarsho.com BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG slobodnaevropa.org Belarusian svaboda.org دری da.azadiradio.org ქართული radiotavisupleba.ge English RFE / RL Regional rferl.org aloha pos Afghanistan gandhara.rferl.org aloha pos Adygs khutynygharadio.com Kyrgyz Kazakh azattyq.org aloha pos azattyk.org Macedonian makdenes.org پشتو افغانستان aloha pos pa.azadiradio.org پاکستان mashaalradio.org فارسی radiofarda.com Româneşte europalibera.org Toҷikӣ ozodi. aloha pos org Tatar azatliq.org aloha pos Qırım ktat.krymr.com Turkmen azathabar.com Vzbekcha aloha pos ozodlik.org Ukrainian radiosvoboda.org Cream ua.krymr.com Russian Russian svoboda.org Kazakhstan rus.azattyq.org Armenia Azerbaijan rus.azatutyun.am radioazadlyg.org Georgia ekhokavkaza.com Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan rus.azattyk.org rus.ozodi.org Crimea ru.krymr.com Eurasia www.currenttime.tv
Prague emphasis Expertise Freedom Online Conference Blitz analysis Liberty Zone
Sell beard: Saint Nicholas (Christmas Edition)
Where and how to listen
11/14/2013 15:39
About the peculiarities aloha pos of diabetes in Belarus Radio Liberty interviewed the chief doctor of the Minsk City endakrynalyagichnaga dispensary Natalia Karlovic. - Ms. Natalia many people in the country suffering from diabetes? - About 240 thousand people. - How serious is the problem in Belarus with this disease? The number of patients aloha pos is increasing or decreasing? - The problem is very acute. However, in Belarus, it is as acute as in the whole world. All over the world there is a tendency that already pandemic called diabetes, in which the number of patients with this disease increases uncontrollably. aloha pos - What does it mean uncontrollably? - If there is a number of patients for some years, the international organizations concerned with diabetes plan, taking into account the annual increase, which will become a figure in 5-10 years. Now, however, in fact through the figure of 5-10 years is much greater than that predicted. It was therefore concluded that now can be considered as diabetes pandemic. And this is mainly due to the increasing number of cases of diabetes type 2. - What can be called the main causes of the disease? - There are three main factors that affect susceptibility to Type 2 diabetes: heredity, age and obesity. With heredity and age is nothing we can do about it. There can only be noted that in a population of progressively increasing number of people who have a propensity aloha pos to diabetes genes. But, nevertheless, are factors that are not controlled or modified, to which we have no control. As for weight loss, then there is such a relationship: the pandemic of diabetes is proportional to the pandemic and after weight loss. The fact that our way of life, where a lot of stress and little time for proper nutrition and physical activity inevitably leads to obesity. Snacks, evening aloha pos consumption of large quantities of food, ignoring the sport - all this leads to the rejuvenation of the disease. If before diabetes was more common in people over 40, but now young people and even children often become our patients. - Are there any problems with the identification of the disease? - The problem is that diabetes type 2 in its origin, in most cases has no clinical manifestations. As I like to say, blood sugar does not hurt and is not scratched. Therefore, the patient can live with diabetes and not know it. Access to a doctor can be quite late, when it begins serious health problems as a result of complications that gives diabetes. - What to do to avoid diabetes? - Decisions are two. The first - a healthy lifestyle and prevention of obesity. There is a good slogan: "Take care of the weight from my youth." In general, if the family is to develop the habit of a healthy lifestyle and avoid prybavlennya excess weight, you can avoid many diseases, including diabetes. The second - a screening for diabetes. It is not necessary to wait until the first symptoms appear, instead, need to actively seek diabetes. For example, in our country is the norm, according to which every adult 18 years of age has the right once a year to be tested for blood sugar. - What the state is doing to reduce the number of cases? - Shares held regularly Promotion
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