Thursday, April 2, 2015

All have committed any crimes. Mis large indeed, but everyone has done something that is forbidden.

All have committed any crimes. Mis large indeed, but everyone has done something that is forbidden. While you think I'm the exception that proves the rule, but it is now somewhat better not very true. I has a long criminal history and do not regret anything.
When I lived while Holt, 105 Reykjavík, we went Rannveig sister often store, pluck named it. Said the store, not Rannveig. Rannveig Rannveig just named. Once we were on the way downstairs Rannveig Laugavegur, because my mom was there to play bingo. We arrived at the store and Rannveig was talking to the guy and handling while the other 7 years I HUGE caramels business accounts on the table. We are talking about the same size and palm 7 year olds. They cost 100 crowns adapter. Given the current inflation it is circa 4500kr. I managed to steal two and put in your pocket. One for me and one for Rannveiga. But because it was so easy it was greed me fall and I put my hand up again in the hope of achieving two more. But as soon as I put my hand back in caramel box, Rannveig was prepared to talk to handling calls and started to walk away. Therefore, he stood b ara and looked at me caramels and put in your pocket. Then he grabbed the neck of me, when I think about it now, it was inappropriate network, and yelled at me, if we fuck I was doing to be stealing. As soon as this happened showed Rannveig huge sibling love and shouted "Oneida what has happened here," and ran out. Rannveig has never been known to run fast, but when I looked out after her, I just thought "gaddem ... That nigga's fast"
Call threatened to call my dad, but I told him proudly that I should not. Game modules ... I thought. Then he asked for the number with my mom and I said I do not remember. "What is it !!?" Screamed he, Fokin Insular Territories. "I do not think, just do it," I said, pointing through business accounts the window on the front door where Rannveig business accounts was 200 meters away and waited for his little brother, who might as well be dead. Finally, they could call up at me and threw me out with 0 caramels.
I was not the daughter of the horse and did a few weeks later with Rannveig and Tinna neighbors in amazing store that was directed against Hlemmur. As we saw mud compact teddy bear, we actually wanted nothing but there is no reason for a child to steal. business accounts So with a few chairs Teddy (böngsum?). We fold it in briefcase her mother that she never used and some leyninúmerið it. Sometimes one went down in the basement and a Leg with þýfið but there was something exciting it where it was received with evil. If mom had bought this teddy bear for me I would probably dumped him in the bathroom and roared píkuskræki, as I often did these formative years.
We stole a lot of samanþjöppuðum laundry bags that were hit somehow together with compressors and took so Hevia little space. This course was new for us, and my mother had hitherto always just buy normal þvottapoka for us and we had to get our full this satisfied of this mediocrity. We found the course with this cruel and used to start with, but then decreased use where all the excitement of wash proudly þvottapoka was gone. It needed business accounts something more. Something new. New challenge.
Grandma won this time SÍBS, which for those who do not have the brain is happadrætti. Grandma was always shit load of SÍBS tickets were not with numbers and used framework for the note. We had the open access business accounts to these areas where we lived with my grandmother. One day we were visiting our aunt and these targets were something business accounts to talk. This our aunt was in our age. She became very envious out into what we had many happadrættismiða and it wanted. "I think we can find something out of it," I said, and blinked to Rannveig. "We came back after an hour," said Rannveig.
Then we ran home, filled briefcase her mom happadrætti tickets (probably 4000-5000 targets) ran it back into town where my cousin lived. When we came up to her room to put your bag on the floor, I opened it with a secret code that we just knew. "We want to buy your stuff for happadrættismiða" I said.
Then pointed out to them the things we wanted and she said what it would cost many tickets. I remember I bought goodshit book about Donald Duck 4 tickets and Rannveig's pig statue of 8 tickets. We Basically kidnapped all cool stuff for her useless happadrættismiða. At the time, of course, did not aunt because it was exactly pointið. Then we ran back home with a briefcase full of new stuff and the rest I trod onto my sweater. This was our Italian Job. Having reached this high received one experiment lögðumst to retire.

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