Saturday, November 15, 2014

(Gospel text) [the next day that five thousand people ate the bread, gathered in its place] crowd,

(Gospel text) [the next day that five thousand people ate the bread, gathered in its place] crowd, Jesus also knows when not there also his disciples, themselves also ride on their boat, Capernaum in search of Jesus I came to. And, if it finds Jesus in the other side of the lake, and said, "Rabbi, when, did you become here to Come". Jesus answered and said to them. I tell "clearly. It is the but you were looking for me, not because saw the sign, it is because the satiety eat the bread. Corruptible and not by way of food, do not go away forever, leading to eternal life Please work for food. This is what is a food that is the Son of Man give to you. God is the Father, because he is authenticated the Son of Man. "So they are, do the work of" God To do this, and say what it is and whether it should I ", Jesus answered and said to order. "What factors of 60 you believe those who God has become factors of 60 one whom you sent forth, it is the work of God." So, they said. "So, to be able to believe in you we look, what marks the please you or going. What please you or to that. Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness factors of 60 . It is as it is written to be "eat by giving them the bread from heaven." "Then, Jesus said. You keep saying "clearly. Moses rather than gave the bread from heaven to you, my Father will to give us the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God, come down from heaven , are those that give the world life. "So, they, say," Lord, please give the bread always to us ", Jesus said. "I am the bread of life. I am of who comes to have no never go hungry that the original, who have never never thirst believes in me."
Carmelite Sister of everyone, for your participation of everyone in the Mass, visited the newly rebuilt obtained Carmelite monastery today, and devoted thus your Mass with you, that you can pray with us is a great blessing also for Watakushi joy you are. As you know, Pope Benedict XVI to commemorate the Second Vatican Council held fifty anniversary, a period of better than October 11, 2012 November 2013 '24 was defined as "faith year" . Second Vatican Council, unlike the earlier of the Episcopal righteousness, is the correct teaching, rather than as a means to determine the, public factors of 60 meeting, which was held for the hope that the church will fulfill better its mission. Second Vatican Council ended in 1965. 1975 just after the 10 years ended, Paul VI Pope announced the teaching of "evangelization" Evangelii Nuntiandi. 1981 Pope John Paul II visited the Japan, the Catholic Church of Japan in 1987 was held the "first times evangelization promote national conference" NICE. 1992 "Catechism of the Catholic Church" is issued, 2003 "Catholic teaching" has been published. 25 anniversary from NICE, in the year of the second factors of 60 from the Vatican meeting of the 50th anniversary milestone, we will celebrate the "faith year". To the Catholic Church plays better its mission, in order to respond to the question factors of 60 of whether must change to how the Church, the Second Vatican Council was held. Takes over the spirit of this Council, the Catholic Church of Japan, will be held evangelization factors of 60 promote national conference factors of 60 a (NICE), it did have pursues mission of evangelization in Japan. Opportunely March '11, 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake broke out, we will not feel like being re-again question their faith, the way of the church community, which has been the foundation to live from the ground. Also, in a society where we are living, family relations and human relations issues, bullying problem, primary problem, suicide, economic factors of 60 downturn, problems such as many of the difficulties and suffering that derive from aging, Ya sadness injustice has abound. Indeed factors of 60 this in Japanese society, and for 14 consecutive years and I own the dead is over 30,000 people. Us in such a situation, how to have asked whether to be able to convey encouragement and hope to live people. In such a society, and whether such what it is to live the Catholic faith? Our faith in the ideal way, I think you're receiving a big challenge from this society. I will celebrate the "faith year" in such a situation. You can get a read John's Gospel Chapter 6 (over 5 times than the last week of the Lord's Day, but Chapter 6 of John is featured), to believe those who "God has become one whom you sent forth, it is in the work of God You have to be there. " factors of 60 In order to perform "So they are, the work of" God, and say what a good idea Once you ", Jesus answered and said to them. To believe those who" God has become one whom you sent forth, it is God of a business. "" What does it mean and do the work of God? And what to do? "Defend the law", is expected to answer that "Love God and raise the body and soul," but, Jesus surprisingly, to believe those who "God has become one whom you sent forth, it is of God I was told the work is ". It is that of Jesus himself "Persons became factors of 60 sent is your God". That you believe Jesus is the work of God, it says. According to John's Gospel, those who believe in Jesus are given eternal life, and has been already transferred to eternal life. "Gokokoro of my father, that those who believe to see a child get everyone eternal life" is. (John 6, 40) and "keep clearly say. I believe those who have obtained the eternal life." (John 6, 47) "God enough rang to give us the only Son, was loved the world. not perish even if one whoever believes in him, eternal life is to obtain. "(John 3, 16) and" keep clearly say. to hear my words, and believe the person who has become to me you sent who, to give eternal factors of 60 life, also without being judged, has shifted to life from death. "You believe in (John 5, 24) Jesus, it is to receive the" factors of 60 eternal life ". Many of the Jews it was not able to believe in Jesus. They I was not able to recognize the work of God in Jesus' humanity. In addition, as Jesus broke the law of the Sabbath, was lees also Jews ask sin of blasphemy Jesus for that. "Not only Jesus break the Sabbath, and called your father a God, because your own is a person equal with God." (John 5, 18) Jesus also said. "The eternal life, and you only is the true God, is to know Jesus Christ, you became one whom you sent forth." (John 17-3) is referred to in the Bible to "know" it has a deep meaning you. Old Testament often in the Bible, "to know the Lord", comes out say that "do not know the Lord." Even in the first reading of today "you guys can we speak, I am your God, will know that is the main" You have a (Exodus 16, 12). By "main the know", factors of 60 to live according to the words of worship to Lord the Lord as God, is that. Human beings can not be reached to eternal life on my own. Only Jesus Christ is the God of a person of Makoto Makoto factors of 60 to God the people, I can lead to eternal life. God and the people of intermediaries is one Jesus Christ only. (Timothy 2 5) Jesus said. "I am the way, the truth and the life. If you do not pass me, no one can go to the Father." (John 14, 6) in the invitation to believe the words of this Jesus In response, the ones that leave the self to Jesus, are able to reach to God the Father through Jesus. Let's taste deeply today's second factors of 60 reading. Is Mayowasa in lust with the way of life, such as "In the past, ruin shed the old people who are heading to, it is the new from the bottom of my heart, and wearing a new person that was built likeness to God, it is based on the truth must be to send a correctly clean life was. "(Ephesians 4, 22-24) * each of us is, in response to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, every day newly born, to live with the people, the middle of difficulty encouragement and is so that you can walk as people factors of 60 pointing to the hope, I ask whether the choice of Carmelite everyone sincerely.
* Way of life as a new person factors of 60 has been described as follows in the continuation of part of the same Ephesians statement. "So, discard factors of 60 the false, please speak the truth against neighbor, respectively. We are all part of each other body. Even if there is anger, angry until it must not have committed factors of 60 a crime. Day sunset You must not stay until Tama. You should not give the plow to the devil. you do not have to have a bad word to any opening. However, as given grace to those who hear, and help to build up the people the words, please speak if necessary. Do not be grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Ye, by the Holy Spirit, I have been guaranteed for the Day of Atonement. ruthless, resentment, anger, and rants , all such reproach, Throw away along with all malice. each other kindly, and contact with each other at the mercy of the mind, as hath forgiven you unto God by Christ, please each other forgiveness. "(Ephesians 4 25 -32) already eternal life that begins on earth, factors of 60 it is already factors of 60 present in the experience to run the teaching of this Ephesians manual.
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