Friday, November 14, 2014

Time passed, he was renamed Madeleine, it becomes a factory owner with a successful business, will

Bible <scene 25> in the movie: becker farms the Bible to see the movie
God of students' age, because the missionary wife where it was the interpretation of the story of the Women's Association has said, "Jean Valjean", Na and has been puzzled for a moment what things, soon English reading of "Jean Barujan" I and it was found, there was that it was the experience that. The Jean Barujan and "Les Miserables" becker farms (and I read in elementary school days that was based on the original work of the great writer Victor Hugo of France depicting a person our tragic life surrounding he was entitled "Aamujou", Let's continue to watch it and the memory is doing).
And caught it trying to get to eat the sister of the child in the crime of stealing becker farms bread, Jean Barujan of hero that was sent to prison, because he attempted to escape several times, after serving a sentence summed to a total of '19, He became a parole visited the priest's house, I was entrusted to the inn and hot meals of people at night. That night, he is but I tried to escape steal the silver tableware, and I was taken back to the church by the police. Priest, "that's what was given to him." And passes the further silver candlesticks to say "I've repurchase your soul in this." And his by multiplied by the thoughtful words of love conversion is, and vows to become a You and Me, we discard the parole certificate.
Time passed, he was renamed Madeleine, it becomes a factory owner with a successful business, will be the mayor is endeared virtue. Fantine became the factory to the neck is entrusted to man the daughter Cosette, and dropped himself to a prostitute, but leaves the world to get the disease, he will promise to raise pick up the Cosette. One day, you help throwing himself a man who became trapped under the wagon, once to the prison of supervisors, Jaber that it had been appointed as Inspector now chase and no difference becker farms to him to witness this spectacle I decided. At that time, he was out to misidentified arrested man of the trial because of their own, the end of suffering, it is revealed that he is Jean Barujan, amazed the people. That night, he was back to paying the debt the Cosette from foster parents becker farms will head to Paris. becker farms In order to escape the pursuers, becker farms he piggybacks Cosette, climbing the walls, you huddled in the monastery beyond jump the roof. The took the labor intermediation, once he is rescued from the bottom of the cart, now was the old man of the gardener.
Further growth in Cosette is beautiful daughter in that the years, but with him we have a service for poor people, in Paris was going to happen is the French Revolution. Youth activist Marius, love at first sight to Cosette you have been listening to speech. Duo will eventually love each other so. in which people have to face each other across the barricades uprising, Jaber became a spy by dust in workers caught been caught out the identity, it was to have been released by the execution brink, courtesy of Jean Barujan. On the other hand, people who are cornered in the army, issued a large number becker farms of victims, Marius also injured, but is Jaber a place which is piggybacked to Jean Barujan have to escape from the sewer to discover, his mercy appeal by Jean Valjean I listened to. Jean Barujan that came back handcuffed, Jaber in executions verge suddenly remove the handcuffs, then you have sentenced his release fit into their own hands, and threw himself into the Seine river. 1998 in film and close the curtain concluded suicide of Jaber.
After you have helped a priest, old man, Cosette, Marius and Jaber and the Jean Barujan that the helping others is said to be the contrast to help the Marius Jaber that was not Thomas and cornered him relentlessly. "Les Miserables" and it is seems to mean "miserable people", Who Will was applicable to it? And will was the soldiers who lost their lives are caught up in people or power struggle, including the students who were killed in the midst of prisoners and prostitutes were toil in the bottom of society and workers and revolution that appeared at the beginning emergence? Or Will was Jaber?
Won three division of Golden Globe Awards, nominations that have been musical "Les Miserables" in eight departments becker farms of the Academy Award (UK 2012) you've seen the other day at Warner MYCAL. The main cast is 31 songs that sing wholeheartedly through the whole volume, but is of the sang during becker farms normal to "lip-sync" rather than shooting, it is a poignant and really beautiful, I cried involuntarily. becker farms Story, the Marius carried to the house of his grandfather by Jean Barujan In response to the after video, recovers in devoted nursing of Cosette, to him you came to ask for permission of marriage, Jean Barujan yourself of do had withdrew quietly and entrusted her role of guardian When confide the past. Cosette and Marius is when the rush you know that he is about to enter the last of life in the monastery and went been called while singing "The Lord gave, the Lord taken is" the (Book of Job Chapter 1 verse 21 NIV) I. The title of the video "Love is forgiving. Love does not pass away." And are marked words reminiscent of the 13 Chapter Corinth.

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