Thursday, February 19, 2015

The digital age has many facets. It affects z. B .: The search and purchase behavior of consumers a

As the first railway was introduced, specialized loan servicing we have considered whether the human body ever good enough for "rapid" speed and whether the soul can keep up with the body. Of course, from time to time accidents happen, but our bodies and our souls are coming by train travel - apart from the delays of the web - quite well. We have learned to deal with the technology and make us advantage. Most of us have built a "train-competence". The railroad is the beginning of the industrial age. Today we moved a little. specialized loan servicing And again, there are risks and benefits. And again, we need to build the appropriate expertise. The competence for the digital age. But where it comes from and how it's even begun?
It started so unimpressive. Who could have guessed back then that the digital revolution would thus bring significant changes to our lives? End of the 50s, it began with the development of integrated circuits - the microchip. This interested the "normal" specialized loan servicing people do not much. Sure, a few effects have even then felt the people. However, it has not yet changed the thinking, behavior, specialized loan servicing and the value system of the majority. First of all the PCs in offices and households came. Although this has also changed a lot, but even that was only the beginning - with the Internet, it went really started. The digital revolution!
The digitization of the world's existing information took place within a very short time. According to Wikipedia, it is estimated that by 1993 only 3% of the global information capacity was digital, 2007, there were already 94%. Source: Wikipedia specialized loan servicing
This digitization was the basis for the Web 1.0. The Internet of the first generation. This form of the Internet still reflected the "old" specialized loan servicing transmitter / receiver system resisting. Many companies today still live in this world and simply specialized loan servicing place the content specialized loan servicing of their printed media (flyers, brochures) on the company's website. They write about the founders, the company building the products and their offerings. I call this "ego-posting". Since it does not help when they create specialized loan servicing a Facebook specialized loan servicing page or a Twitter account and operate there only ego-posting.
With the Web 2.0 and social media platforms changed the technical foundations for a new "mode". The term "interactive web" reflects the new possibilities resist very well. Information is there, accessible to all, everyone has a voice and can write and publish their own content. What effect can have these new platforms and mechanisms, the election of Barack Obama and the Arab Spring has all too clearly. The next stage was then the mobile Internet. With smart phones and tablet PC's we are always and everywhere online - "always on". specialized loan servicing
The digital age enables specialized loan servicing new business models specialized loan servicing and "classical" company offers tremendous opportunities. But this raises the question of the human factor. The statement of Ms. Merkel: "The Internet is for us all new territory," has a lot of discussion and laughter triggered. Even if she has perhaps not meant much truth there is in this sentence yet. Most people and businesses really lack the necessary media skills for the digital age. The "Facebook generation" - the "digital natives" - have grown up with the new technologies and are instinctively way there. But they do not always look the impact of their online activities.
The digital age has many facets. It affects z. B .: The search and purchase behavior of consumers and buyers in the b2b environment. As we learn and let us know. How we spend our leisure time. How do we find a partner. How we work and collaborate. Where we want to work. How do we build and develop business. and so on.
We must learn the "new media" to use for our goals, but also know the risks and consider: What are our data? Produce what effect our activities? What I want to reveal about me and how I define "privacy"? How "entkoppele" and I find my balance between online and offline? As we learn to use the tools and platforms of the digital age? How do we build media literacy to our children specialized loan servicing and how we support them in dealing? How do we deal with "addiction" in the online environment? and so on.
Everyone needs to personally decide how to digitally he / she wants to make her life be /. The discussion that this is just a trend but and humanity will soon come to their senses are idle. History has shown that such drastic changes not simply disappear. They develop and change and we learn to deal with it. We build

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